Rhythm and Beef Updates: Now Tony Parker’s Involved

There have been a flurry of updates in the Chris Brown/Frank Ocean mini-brawl that has taken the internet by storm (A fact we are still lamenting here at TSL). 

Tony Parker has submitted Brown's latest infraction as evidence in his lawsuit against Entertainment Enterprises Ltd., the owners of the club in which Brown fought Drake and sent bottles flying, injuring Parker's eye. Parker's lawyer is alleging that Brown shouldn't have even been allowed in due to his nature. 

If Parker does win the case, I'm sure Ocean will have a lot of fun with Brown's lyric "I don't see how you can hate from outside the club/ You can't even get in." It's the least he could do after deciding not to press charges even after being called a "fa**ot" several times during the encounter.

Hopefully this is the last we've heard of this feud, unless it involves diss tracks, so we can all go back to eagerly awaiting Ocean's next work and trying to win the office pool for when Brown gets in his next predictable mess.

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