Points On The Board Ep 2: The Return Of Evil Steph Curry

#PointsOnTheBoard is a podcast where The Shadow Leagues Managing Editor, Kyle Harvey breaks down the top stories from sports, culture and more. 

In Episode 2 of the #PointsOnTheBoard we discuss: 

NBA Playoffs:
Evil Steph Curry

Zazie Beetz is glowing up

NETFLIX & The Obamas
Barry and Michele sign a production deal with the streaming service

North Carolina A&T
Back in the NCAA Baseball tourney

You can subscribe to #PointsOnTheBoard here on iTunes and check out the second episode below. 

Episode Two – May 22 2018 by Points On The Board

Kyle Harvey of The Shadow League addresses a few things that have been on our radar: NBA Playoffs: Evil Steph Curry ATLANTA to DEADPOOL 2 Zazie Beetz is glowing up NETFLIX & The Obamas Barry and Michelle sign a production deal with the streaming service North Carolina A&T Back in the NCAA Baseball tourney And other headlines on TheShadowLeague.com

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