Panthers Give Hurney The Boot


On Sunday, a frustrated Cam Newton sulks in a press conference and starts looking for someone to blame and less than 24 hours later Carolina Panthers General Manager Marty Hurney is fired.

Coincidence? Who knows?

It’s likely that the Panthers 1-5 record had more to do with his ousting than Newton’s press conference frustrations. The toughest part of Hurney’s firing is that four of this season’s loses were by one score. A couple of touchdowns and Hurney would be walking into his office today. Instead, he is submitting politically correct goodbye statements.

Hurney took the team to a Super Bowl and two NFC championship games but never delivered back-to-back winning seasons. Unfortunately for him, the NFL is a league of selective memory where you’re only as good as your last win and that was a month ago for Hurney. 

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