Out Goes Sanchez and In Comes Vick?

If you are a Jets fan, I don’t know where you start.  There’s certainly a large contingency who are more than happy to hear news that the team is likely to trade Mark Sanchez in the off-season. I bet he’s happy to leave as well. The debacle taking place here is more on GM Mike Tannenbaum than anyone else, and yet, his name doesn’t make the daily tabloids.  It was obvious from the start of the season that the team didn’t have the talent to compete on a high level and injuries to Darrelle Revis and Santonio Holmes was the proverbial nail in the coffin.  The fact that they were technically in playoff contention as deep in the season as last week is impressive in its own right.

Sanchez will find another job. Evidently, there’s a QB shortage of monumental amounts. Otherwise how do you explain the Jets throwing out the idea of signing Eagles QB Mike Vick to compete for the gig next season?  Not sure how any Jet fan could feel better about this move. Under perfect circumstances (healthy, inventive game plan, talented offensive lineman and receivers) Vick can be a factor. But, when hardships occur, Vick is a liability as best. Unwatchable at worst.  He’s struggled with injuries throughout his career, but the last two seasons have been especially tough. Especially with the concussions this year, where you wonder how much he as left, if anything. When he was healthy, he struggled to hold onto the ball and was on pace for a 30 turnover season before he succumbed to his head injuries.

For the Jets, bringing him in for a shot only makes sense if you have a squad that’s a contender. The Jets are far from that and adding Vick would only serve as a headliner maker. Something this franchise doesn’t need after the wasted work with bringing in Tim Tebow this year. Other than cause a commotion, that move had zero impact.  Former Alabama QB Greg McElroy is gonna finish the season and then from there they’ll reevaluate. Maybe they draft someone or maybe they bring in another guy to compete. Either way, the Jets have now officially joined the ranks of the Arizona Cardinals and Kansas City Chiefs. No quarterback in sight is the new reality for Jets fans. Welcome to the jungle.

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