Northwestern Football Wins Right To Unionize

Northwestern football is all types of winning these days. In a ruling released on Wednesday, Peter Sung Ohr, the regional director of the National Labor Relations Board arrived at a decision allowing Northwestern football players to unionize. Consequently, the decision makes players employees of the school and could affect player compensation demands for injuries sustained during football-related activities.

Via Chicago Tribune:

"The record makes clear that the Employer's scholarship players are identified and recruited in the first instance because of their football prowess and not because of their academic achievement in high school," Ohr wrote.

Ohr stated that the reasoning for his ruling was in relation to their scholarship status being connected to their athletic performance as well as the time commitments football demands from student-athletes.

Of course, the diabolical NCAA is stuck in a brooding mood within the confines of their underwater lair, stroking the head of a cat perched on Mark Emmert's lap as henchmen lawyers frantically search for the basis of an appeal. 


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