NFL in LA? Not Any Time Soon

Eight months ago, the city council of LA unanimously approved AEG's plans for building a stadium downtown. Today, there isn't much hope of that happening.

According to a Yahoo! report, the LA stadium deal is simply too costly

"The numbers just don't work, no matter how you look at the deal," a league source said in February. "It's either too hard for AEG to make money [and pay the debt on the stadium] or too hard for the team. I just can't see a way for it to work."

Officially, a league spokesman said Monday that the NFL is still tracking what AEG is trying to do.

"We continue to monitor the AEG situation and remain interested in multiple sites in the Los Angeles area," NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement.

Unofficially, the NFL believes that the cost of the AEG plan, which the league believes will be at least $1.8 billion, will make it unworkable.

The report does not go into detail about how much money the city or state would be willing to put up, if any. Recently, a stadium deal in Atlanta has stalled over funding, and North Carolina governor Pat McCrory said the state would not put up any money for potential stadium upgrades for the Carolina Panthers.

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