Memphis Grizzlies Purge Front Office Could Be Just The Beginning

Weeks after their season came to an unexpected end in a seven game series against the Oklahoma City Thunder, the Memphis Grizzlies fired team CEO Jason Levien and also ousted assistant general manager Stu Lash. Reportedly, the staff shakeup was a result of a major disagreement between owner Robert Pera and Levien. In the aftermath, the job security of head coach Dave Joerger and executive vice president of basketball operations John Hollinger may be up in the air.

With Levien out of the way general manager Chris Wallace, who has not been to the Grizzlies offices since last summer will assume full control of basketball operations. Hollinger was specifically recruited from ESPN’s staff to join the Grizzlies front office in 2012 while Joerger was a favorite of Levien’s to replace Lionel Hollins last summer.

If the Grizzlies do give Hollinger and Joerger the axe, Chicago Bulls head coach Tom Thibodeau would be one of the initial targets on their prospective list of coaching replacements. 

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