Mark Jackson Calls Phil Jackson’s Knicks Tenure A “Failure”

ESPN hoops guru Mark Jackson has never held his tongue when it comes to criticizing players, celebrating his religious beliefs or standing by his conscience. Part of the reason he was let go in Golden State after developing a team that was on the cusp of being dominant was because Dub Nation brass sought a more player-friendly and relaxed coach. 

Jackson, a former first-round selection of the Knicks, offered his opinion on the fiasco that has bombarded a once proud franchise since Phil Jackson hooked up with Carmelo Anthony.  He went as far as calling Jackson a failure.

Phil Jackson is one of the greatest coaches in the history of sports, not just basketball, but in sports, Jackson said. And I can say that definitively. I can also look at the numbers and say as the guy running the New York Knicks, hes done a poor job. When you look at the results, hes been a failure thus far.

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The Queens native also defended Carmelo Anthony in the one-sided beef with Phil. Jackson has attempted to smear Melos good name in order to force a trade by demeaning his qualities as a ball player. The entire ordeal has been a historical low point for Knicks fans who were so optimistic when the Zen Master came here with his 11 rings and championship pedigree. 

Carmelo Anthony is an outstanding basketball player who has handled himself remarkably during these last couple of years, Jackson said. He negotiated a no-trade clause. I think youre going about it the wrong way, trying to force him out. He has all the power and hes taking full advantage of it.

Many people share Mark Jacksons sentiments and Phil’s media spinning, back door barbs and public persecutions of Anthony wont bring the Knicks any closer to an elusive and long-awaited NBA Championship.

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