Lob City Is In A Recession

During Donald Sterling’s three decades of ownership, the Clippers grim history has mirrored North Korea's. Just when it appeared the Clippers were becoming a sane organization, they’ve begun showing cracks in their sanity. According to the L.A. Times’ T.J. Simers, friction between the denizens of Lob City is threatening their tranquility.

Jordan wants nothing to do with Coach Vinny Del Negro because he blames Del Negro for burying him on the bench.

Yet Jordan's inability to play consistently or make free throws, thereby turning the ball over to the opposition much like a turnover, makes him a liability in close games.

Jordan sees it differently, and he has for the last two seasons, maintaining he would be more productive if allowed to play more.

…..The other night in Sacramento, Griffin and Jordan exchanged words on the bench. Griffin told Jordan he best never again stare him down as he did when Griffin failed to give Jordan a good pass for a dunk.

Everyone else was left to sit there while waiting for the kids to stop bickering.

The pair have also grown tired of Chris Paul's voice, which is understandable at times.

Paul, very much like Kobe Bryant — who has turned off Dwight Howard with his out-of-this-world standards — is relentless. He never shuts up. And Jordan and Griffin have become weary of him.

When asked about being annoying, Paul smiled and said, "I need to work on being a better leader."

Jordan should be channeling that indignation and anger inwards, instead of towards Vinny Del Negro and Griffin. He’s a bench gargoyle in crunchtime because of his own poor free-throw shooting. Jordan is only making 39 percent of his free throws this season.

Coupled with Del Negro’s critical comments and their 7-8 record since March began, the ground is beginning to crumble beneath the Clippers' feet. Yes, every team goes through its peaks and valleys, but hitting rock bottom right before the playoffs is a bad omen — especially in the contentious Western Conference.

Paul will be a free agent this summer and is expected to re-sign for a max deal, but nothing is set in stone. It’s unlikely, but if he comes to the realization that the composition of the Clippers roster is not commensurate with that of a championship contending franchise, he could decide to take his talents elsewhere.

If they take an L against the Lakers on Sunday, Kim Jong-un doesn’t need to conduct his own nuclear tests. North Korea’s biggest NBA fan can study the Clippers' mushroom cloud.

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