Larry Bird Plans A Return To His Indiana Pacers Project

The Indiana Pacers came within one game of reaching the NBA Finals this past season. In several seasons leading up to this year, Larry Bird and the Pacers crew put together a solid young core of players mixed with the godfatherly presence of David West. 

Bird stepped away from the project last summer, and watched Paul George grow up and Roy Hibbert progressively become one of the most reliable centers in the league. There were family and health issues the Hall of Famer wanted to tend to, so the Pacers brought in Donnie Walsh to handle basketball operations. 

Bird is back, though.

From The Indianapolis Star's Bob Kravitz:

“The year off gave me a chance to reflect, to rest, to take care of some health issues, and it recharged me,” Bird said in a news release from the team. “Donnie and Kevin did a great job, and I will lean on both heavily as we move forward toward the goal of competing for a championship.”

The Pacers need a point guard, or someone on the perimeter they can rely on besides Paul George. They're this close to threatening Miami's unquestioned handle on the Eastern Conference. Let's see what the legend has in store. 


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