Kenyon Martin Claps Back at George Karl

Former NBA head coach George Karl caused quite at stir around the league this week when exerpts from his upcoming memoir were released.

In the book, Karl heavily criticizes Carmelo Anthony, Kenyon Martin, and J.R. Smith, all of whom played under him during their stops in Denver. Karl was the head coach of the Denver Nuggets from 2005-2013. 

In “Furious George”, Karl tore into Anthony, his former All Star small forward, citing his prima donna attitude and selfishness. Carmelo was asked about Karl’s memoir prior to Thursday’s Knicks game against the Magic and simply replied “No way.”

Anthony’s nonchalance towards his former coach’s venomous accusations were not shared by Kenyon Martin nor J.R. Smith.

Of Smith, Karl writes that he had “a huge sense of entitlement, a distracting posse, his eye always on the next contract and some really unbelievable shot selection.”

He referred to his three former players as “AAU babies”, a thinly veiled shot at their maturity. J.R. responded yesterday afternoon on Twitter. Smith tweeted, “Still trying to be relevant. Sad just sad”.

Kenyon Martin, however, decided to take a different approach than Anthony. He retaliated with a furious Twitter rant in which he both lashed out at Karl and defended his former teammates. His firestorm included rebuttals, questions of Karl’s ethics, and basketball acumen.

Martin’s tweets included,

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