JPP and the Giants start talking

After his Fourth of July accident and recent surgery to amputate a damaged finger during the incident, the communication between NY Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul and the front office have been strained, to say the least.  

But now things seem to be moving in the right direction with head coach Tom Coughlin announcing that he has spoken to Pierre-Paul.

 I did talk to him late yesterday afternoon, Coughlin said after the Giants training camp practice. Everybody has had a good conversation with him, and mine was the same. Do I know any more than I did before? No. Do I know when hes coming? Hes looking forward to coming, hes anxious to be here, but hes not going to come until he feels like hes ready to be able to play. It could be whatever amount of time, Im not even going to speculate. I was glad to hear his voice. He sounded good, he sounded interested in wanting to get back here. His baby and his fianc are doing well. He wishes he was here, too. So well see.

Pierre-Paul has had little to no communication with anyone outside of his immediate family following the accident, but has seemed to initiate conversation with a few of the coaches in the organization.

Weve had many people talk to him, says Coughlin. “(Defensive line coach) Robert Nunn has talked to him, (general manager) Jerry (Reese) has talked to him. Hes little by little tried to make his contacts, and that is a positive thing.

Pierre-Paul has not yet signed his $14.8 million franchise tag and there is no timetable as to his return.

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