‘He Should Want Out Of There As Fast As Freakin’ Possible’| RG3 Says Kyler Murray Needs To Leave Arizona Cardinals’ ‘Low And Dirty’ Front Office


Former Washington Commanders quarterback Robert Griffin III knows a thing or two about being a generational dual-threat quarterback trying to survive under a judgmental and dysfunctional front office. And coexist with a head coach who is highly touted and proven on certain levels but doesn’t seem to be the right fit to maximize his star quarterback’s career, health or development into a champion. 

He also knows how fast a fan base and franchise can turn on you when times get rough. RG3 appeared on a popular sports show on Thursday and shared his opinion on the rising tension between Pro Bowl quarterback Kyler Murray and the Arizona Cardinals. 

“If you’re Kyler Murray, you have to want out right?” said RG3. “The report that came out from anonymous sources from the front office was low down and dirty. Kyler Murray is a guy that’s made this team relevant. He’s a guy that’s put it all on the line for them. But yeah, he didn’t play great in the playoff game. He shouldn’t want out because of the fans. He shouldn’t want out because of his teammates. He should want out for what they did to him publicly.”

This rift all started when reports surfaced from “anonymous sources within the organization” that the Arizona Cardinals were unhappy with Kyler Murray’s performance during last season’s spiral to an embarrassing finish against the eventual Super Bowl champion Los Angeles Rams in the playoffs. 

Murray was allegedly embarrassed by the loss and feels he was scapegoated by an organization that wasn’t constructed well enough to withstand some key injuries during a season that started with promise and ended in fractured relationships across the board. 

“That doesn’t help him become a better leader in the locker room,” Griffin insisted. “If anything, it undermines him, because now players know the organization isn’t really sold on this guy so why should I listen to him? Why should I follow his lead, when (the Cardinals franchise) is not even trusting in what he could possibly do?”

When Murray wiped his social media clean of all things Arizona Cardinals and then apologized for it, that was just an invitation for media and social media to run rampant. Although oddly enough, at the same time, after heightening the drama with his actions, Murray said “All of this nonsense is not what I’m about.”

READ: Kyler Murray Unfollows And Deletes Arizona Cardinals Photos On His Instagram | Is There Trouble Brewing In The Valley Of The Sun? – The Shadow League

That was the point, however, where Murray felt the organization threw him under the bus. Any trust he had established with head coach Kliff Kingsbury and management was out the window as far as Murray was concerned. The diminutive dynamo, who played in his second Pro Bowl in three seasons a few weeks ago, feels like he was stabbed in the back. 

So those flurry of spontaneous moves by Murray in retaliation give us a glimpse into where the 24-year-old’s head is right now as far as the Arizona Cardinals are concerned. We also know there’s no effective communication between Murray and the organization because everything is playing out on Twitter. 

In the NFL, the difference between perennial winners and teams that can’t get out of their own way usually comes down to tact and relationships. The manner in which upper management handles players and the type of relationship executives are able to build with the franchise QB. 

Prior to this season, Arizona’s been a poorly run franchise, failing to reach the playoffs since 2015. What should have been recognized as great progress from a franchise player in just his third season — 111 wins and one to grown on — somehow turned into a referendum and open national discussion on Kyler Murray’s ability to thrive in the NFL. 

Then came the attack on his character, as the media rehashed old pre-draft reports that criticized Murray’s leadership skills. Chris Mortensen reported that sources had described Murray as “self-centered, immature and somebody who points fingers.” 

RG3 sees that as the last straw. 

“So, unless the Cardinals come out and publicly defend Kyler Murray against the claims that clearly came from them,” RG3 said. “I don’t see how they can mend that relationship and he should want out of there as fast as freakin’ possible.”

The NFL might be having another Grade A quarterback on the move this offseason. Stay locked in because any given day a player can be on the move.  

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