HBO’s MLK Project

Oprah's leading the way in making sure the name of MLK stays alive. After the announcement of her project with writer/director Ava DuVernay now a second has been announced.

RELATED: Oprah Teams Up with Ava DuVernay

According to deadline, she's teamed up with the writer of Treme and The Wire, David Simon, who will bring his talent to a planned HBO miniseries on the life of MLK that will cover King's Freedom Rides, Marches, and presidential relationships.

"Eric Overmyer and I have taken on a project that was already in HBO's development stable," Simon wrote in statement. "We have agreed to go into a room with Taylor Branch and others and see what can be done for a six-hour miniseries. But as per Blown Deadline's development projects, this is behind another miniseries project for HBO that is closer to production and that we hope to be announcing shortly."


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