First Lady Michelle Obama Blasts Trump In Upcoming Memoir

She made her feelings plain and clear about Donald Trump during her time in the White House.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama made her feelings plain and clear about Donald Trump during her time in the White House. 

In a reported excerpt from her upcoming memoir Becoming, Obama said she’d “never forgive” for his xenophobic racist birther rhetoric towards her husband and former President Obama. 

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this, I’d never forgive him.”

CNN on Twitter

In memoir, Michelle Obama says she’ll “never forgive” President Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Obama’s American birth certificate, which she says threatened her family’s safety, The Washington Post reports

In her first of many post-White House projects, Becoming details the fact that both Sasha and Malia were conceived via invitro fertilization.

Needless to the say the First Lady has been lauded and praised for going high when they go low. But if Obama’s Becoming is an example of what we can expect from the Obama brand in the future, we can only imagine what’s next to come.

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