Meet The First Black Woman In The NBA 2K League, Chiquita Evans

Chicago native, Chiquita Evans was drafted #56 overall by the Warriors Gaming Squad for the 2019 NBA 2K League season.

Women’s History Month is not only for celebrating the achievements of women over the years but for women who are creating historic moments now.

Last night, Chiquita Evans became the first female player to be drafted into the NBA 2K League.

The Shadow League caught up with the newest Warrior gaming member to talk about her support system, what the process was like getting there and her plans after 2K.

The road to being the first female in anything, of course, came with its own obstacles. especially in a male-dominated competitive sport. Evans credits much of her success to her female support team that has been with her from the very beginning. Whether it was playing 2K with her or just words of encouragement.

Not mention, having to deal with discrimination and harassment from players online.

“I’ve experienced it quite a bit. The way I fight through it is to control what you can control,” said Evans. ” The 2K League GM and coaches kept telling us, ‘Control what you can control.’ So, I did other things. I played defense. I rebounded. I made sure I passed the ball to the correct player that was open. I made sure I was effective on other sides of the court besides offensively”.

Before 2K Evans was an employee at Planet Fitness. So what are her plans after the 2K season?

“I’m going to ride this wave as long as I can,” Evans said. “Wherever the wind blows is where I’m going.”

Evans joins Gradient, Kina, and Jin as new members of the team. The second season of the NBA 2K League tips off in spring 2019.

The NBA 2K League is a joint venture between the NBA and Take-Two interactive. It serves as the first official eSports league operated by a US professional sports league with 21 teams participating.

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