Donald Sterling Disses Magic Johnson in Anderson Cooper Interview

The day the media world has been waiting for since April 25 has finally arrived. April 25, the day when the racist viewpoints of Los Angeles Clippers’ owner Donald Sterling came to light, made many in the sports world sit with mouths wide open and a glazed look in the eye.  Up until now, everyone connected to the situation has spoken. V. Stiviano, the woman who tape recorded his rantings, had her say during a sit down with Barbara Walters last week. Donald Sterling’s estranged wife Shelley Sterling also talked to Barbara Walters this past Sunday.  But the moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here as Donald Sterling finally opens his big mouth once again when he will sit down with CNN’s Anderson Cooper tonight at 8pm eastern.  

When the story first broke, many apologists for Sterling pointed to the fact that the audio recording was made in private to a woman he was arguing with. And that his words may have been taken out of context.  But, judging from the quotes that have been released from his upcoming interview, Donald Sterling continues to knowingly dig himself into an even deeper hole.   Former NBA great turned business mogul Magic Johnson was named by Sterling in the recordings when Cooper asked how he really felt about Magic in a clip released of the upcoming interview.

“(Magic) is great," but then adds: "Has he done everything he can do to help minorities? I don't think so…. I don't think he's a good example for the children of Los Angeles."

Again, throwing dirt on Magic’s name even when given room to clarify himself.  Sterling says he was baited by his mistress into making the statement for reasons he did not know of.  

There are times when wealthy individuals feel as though their opinions carry more weight than others. Sterling’s comments stink of this miasma. A disgusting send of entitlement that will likely be revealed in the full interview with Anderson Cooper airing tonight, Monday, at 8pm Eastern on CNN. 


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