Curt Schilling’s History of Offensive Remarks Will Keep Him Out of Cooperstown

On Tuesday, the FBI found Bubba Wallace had not been victim of a crime after a noose was found in his garage at Talladega Superspeedway in Lincoln, Alabama, ahead of the Geico 500 on Sunday. Bubba never saw the noose himself, as it was reported to NASCAR by a team member, leading the organization to launch an investigation into the incident.

The results of the investigation opened up the flood gates for people who actually are racists or just love to belittle the concerns of Black people when it comes to systemic racism, police brutality, and social justice in this country.

Some fools even suggested Bubba concocted the story. Having met him and interviewed him several times, I couldn’t possibly imagine why he would be involved in any concocted story. Wallace has spent most of his NASCAR career trying to fit in and win. He’s never used his race to try and stand out.

For people such as ex-MLB player and known race-baiter Curt Schilling to compare this noose incident to when former Empire actor Jussie Smollett concocted a story about a homophobic race attack is a reach. And honestly, you can predict who the people most willing to try and spin this as a PR move for Bubba would be. They are the same people who were sick to their stomachs when NASCAR removed Confederate flags.

Schilling called it “all a lie.” Next thing you know he’s involved in a Twitter brawl with Trevor Bauer and eventually deletes his own account and is currently still getting dragged by folks on Twitter as I type this. Schilling basically took his ball and went home.

Schilling Calls Adam Jones a Liar 

Schilling has a history of attacking any situation where someone white is accused of being racist.

After Orioles outfielder Adam Jones was abused by a fan at Fenway Park and called the N-word multiple times before a bag of peanuts were launched at him, Schilling basically called Jones a liar, denying it ever happened. Sort of like people do with the Holocaust and we know how Schilling feels about that situation with his cherished collection of Nazi memorabilia.

I don’t believe the story, given the world we live in,” said Schilling. “I don’t believe it, for this reason: Everybody is starving and hungry to sit in front of a camera and talk and be social justice warriors. And if a fan yelled loud enough in center field for Adam Jones to hear the N-word, I guarantee you we would’ve heard and seen fans around on CNN on MSNBC, they would’ve found multiple fans to talk about what a racist piece of junk Boston is . . .

. . . I spent most of my adult life in baseball parks. I heard the N-word out of my black teammates’ mouths about 100 million times. For somebody to talk loud enough for Adam Jones to hear the N-word in centerfield, other people would have heard it. If somebody did say it, were going to see it and hear about it, and I would apologize to Adam Jones for doubting him, but until then, I think this is bullsh*t. I think this is somebody creating a situation.”

To say it never happened to Jones is just a downright asshole move. Schilling went as far as citing some of Jones’ previous quotes about the lack of support for Colin Kaepernick’s protest in Major League Baseball to bolster his take.

“So I posted (Wednesday) night, I questioned whether this event actually happened. Because Adam Jones is the same guy who, unasked, last year came out and said that baseball is a white man’s sport. I don’t know what the point was. OK, football is a black man’s sport, basketball is a black man’s sport, hockey is a white man’s sport. So what? What does that mean? Are you saying that the sport is racist? Because I can tell you, being a six- or seven-billion dollar a year industry, that’s not how it works. If you can play, you play.”

Schilling’s never been known for his political correctness or his sensitivity to situations people perceive as racist or offensive as long as it only offends liberals, people of color and minority groups.

History of Offensive Remarks 

He lost his job at ESPN for his history of insensitivity towards other people. Schilling, who had worked for the network since 2010 and most recently offered analysis on Monday Night Baseball, was dismissed in April of 2016 after sharing a Facebook post that appeared to respond to the North Carolina law that bars transgender people from using bathrooms and locker rooms that do not correspond with their birth genders.

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Schilling has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and he’s never been afraid to scoff his nose at liberal ideology while blaming liberal-thinking people for the demise of our great country.

This isn’t the first time Schilling has used his media platform to put his bloody sock in his mouth and offend someone.

The 2001 Sports Illustrated co-Sportsman of the Year has a history of engaging in controversial Twitter conversations and making politically-charged statements that make you do a double take.

In 2015, he debated other users on the subject of evolution. He also has made intriguing statements like telling a Boston radio station that he hasn’t been elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame because he is a Republican.

These comments were just the warm up for his future career as a big-mouth antagonist.

Later that July, he stepped up his game. The six-time All-Star went on ESPN’s Mike and Mike and questioned the character of deceased Hall of Famer Kirby Puckett, one of the most revered African-American athletes in Minnesota sports history. Schilling doesn’t just take shots at dead guys, he’s moved on to insulting entire religions and races of people.

Schilling is shamefully trending on Twitter today as he did after sharing a meme comparing Muslims to Nazis, and featuring Adolf Hitler’s image. People are hip to his act and Schilling finds himself further from the Hall of Fame and the graces of baseball fans with every divisive, racially and politically-charged statement he makes.


He has no chill, but his act is burning him alive.

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