The 6th Annual Black Comic Book Festival just wrapped up its 6th year at the Schomburg in historic Harlem, NY, and we were all over it like a mild-mannered reporter with a superpowered alter ego.
WATCH- The 6th Annual Black Comic Book Festival

Black Comic Book Festival 2018
The world is ablaze with the prospect of watching both Black Panther on the big screen and Black Lightning on the small screen. In the meantime, between the creation of Milestone Comics back in 1993 and the last movie of the Blade trilogy in 2004, Black independent comic book creators have been toiling in the fringes of the industry.
Their works are the pinnacle of creativity and quality, yet their fanbases and bank accounts have not expanded to reflect that increased relevance. From up close it seems like people like N. Steven Harris (co-creator of Ajala), Regine Sawyer (owner and creator of Lockett Down Productions) and Stephane Metayer (creator of Tephlon Funk), but the fact that theyre still on their grizzly grind is indicative of how far independents have to go just to make a profit.
But that doesnt mean the future isnt becoming exponentially brighter. As the idea of Black leads in science fiction collide with superhero television shows and movies, capitalism and demand dictate black indie creators will benefit from the mainstreams growing curiosity and acceptance of superheroes of color.