Chris Paul Threatens Boycott If Donald Sterling Isn’t Ousted By Judge

While the NBA offseason rolls on, the Donald Sterling saga has continued to linger over the NBA in court as Donald scratches and claws for his franchise. Although, former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer purchased the team from Donald’s jilted wife Shelly for $2 billion, the former Clips owner is suing to determine whether she had the consent to sell the team without his authority. Because of Sterling's suit, Ballmer's purchase has not yet been finalized.

The probate court judge’s ruling could have an impact that reverberates throughout the NBA.

On Wednesday when Clippers CEO Dick Parsons testified that Doc Rivers proclaimed to him that he would quit if Donald Sterling remained the owner when the season began in October, the NBA took notice.

On Thursday, Chris Paul echoed Rivers’ sentiments when he told that a boycott could be on the horizon if the Sterlings remain in control of the franchise when the season begins.

"That's something me and Doc are both talking about," Paul told Thursday after coaching his AAU program, CP3. "Something has to happen, and something needs to happen soon — sooner rather than later."

"We're all going to talk about it," Paul told "We're all definitely going to talk about it. Doc, Blake [Griffin], DJ[DeAndre Jordan]. It's unacceptable."

In classic supervillain fashion, Sterling has vowed to “fight as long as he lives”.

The NBA hopes that fight ends sooner rather than later or there could be a major issue on their hands. Not only is Paul, the Clippers on-court leader. He’s also President of the NBPA, which considered a league-wide playoff during the postseason in April after Sterling's comments went public.

Chris Paul certainly has the NBA's attention now.

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