‘It’s A Sad Day When Owners and Commissioners Choose Money Over Fans’ | Charles Barkley Is Getting $20M Offers Still Calls Out NBA For Wanting To “Break Us Up From The Beginning”

After months of back and forth the NBA has made the decision to grant their television rights to Amazon/NBC following the 2024-25 season.

That means the upcoming season will end TNT’s 35-year run which began in 1989. Warner Brothers/Discovery who actually owns TNT matched Amazon’s huge $1.8 billion offer, the powers that be decided to try something different. The biggest reason being the $76B in total revenue they expect to make over the 11 years. 

Related: NBA’s $76B Media Deal Is Great For WNBA, Spells Doom For Charles, Kenny, Shaq, Ernie and “Inside The NBA” on TNT (theshadowleague.com)

The move drew the ire of Basketball Hall of Famer and NBA on TNT analyst Charles Barkley who’s been with the network and its flagship show “Inside The NBA” since 2000. The outspoken Barkley called out the powers that be for pretty much dismissing the counteroffer made by Warner Bros/Discovery. The move even has Barkley considering retiring at the end of the 2024-25 season. 

Money Over Fans?

Following the announcement that the NBA had rejected the offer, Barkley took to X voice his displeasure with the move. 

“Clearly the NBA has wanted to break us up from the beginning. I’m not sure TNT ever had a chance. TNT matched the money, but the league knows Amazon and these tech companies are the only ones willing to pay for the rights when they double in the future. The NBA didn’t wanna piss them off. 

“It’s a sad day when owners and commissioners choose money over the fans. It just sucks.”

Charles Barkley is getting offers from various outlets in the $20M range but he’s still mad at the NBA for rejecting TNT’s bid for media rights leading to the end of “Inside The NBA” on TNT as we know it. Barkley accuses the league of purposely trying to break them up. (Getty Images)

Barkley also thanked his coworkers and all the NBA fans, saying that he and his crew which features Ernie Johnson, Kenny “The Jet” Smith and Shaquille O’Neal are going to give their best effort next season. 

Barkley Says He Isn’t Starting Over

Barkley who’s 61, has hinted at retirement on numerous occasions, but because he loves the vibe at TNT he’s stuck around, recently talked about him possibly calling it a career sooner than later. 

“The main reason I was talking about next year being my last year – I wouldn’t feel comfortable going to work for another network. It’ll be 25 years that I’ve been working for Turner, and I love everybody at Turner, but at this age to go and start over, I don’t know if I want to do that.”

Sounds like Barkley is gonna hit the golf course pretty hard at the end of the next NBA season.

Unless ESPN steps up and brings the entire show over to their network, which is being mentioned. 

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