Cena, Bryan Not Participating In WWE’s Controversial Crown Jewel PPV

Two of the WWE’s biggest stars have been “written out” and will not compete in the Crown Jewel event.

John Cena first, and now Daniel Bryan, two of the WWE‘s biggest stars have been “written out” and will not compete in the Crown Jewel event.

The pay-per-view showdown is being held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a country that’s facing heavy criticism for their alleged involvement and denial in the murder of Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Cena and Bryan’s removal could be considered a personal protest for not competing and going against Vince McMahon. For context purposes, McMahon’s wife, Linda McMahon, was previously selected by Trump to head his Small Business Administration Council.

The WWE in the past has leaned heavily in with their support for US armed forces, from Hulk Hogan being a “real American” to Sgt. Slaughter and even Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

It’s ironic that this generation’s version of USA Hulk Hogan is stepping down to protest patriotically in his own way.

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