Black Police Association Respond to Van Dyke’s Guilty Verdict

Jason Van Dyke, a white Chicago police officer, was found guilty of second-degree murder on Friday for killing 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.

The Washington Post reports the police officer was also found guilty on 16 charges of aggravated battery with a firearm, one for each shot fired at McDonald. He faces a maximum of 20 years in prison for his conviction. Each count of aggravated battery carries a sentence of between six and 30 years.

Evan F Moore on Twitter

Here’s a press release from the National Black Police Association regarding the #VanDykeVerdict. Much different response from what the FOP sent to the press yesterday.

According to The Chicago Sun-Times, the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police were not happy about the conviction.

This sham trial and shameful verdict is a message to every law enforcement officer in America that its not the perpetrator in front of you that you need to worry about, its the political operatives stabbing you in the back. What cop would still want to be proactive fighting crime after this disgusting charade, and are law abiding citizens ready to pay the price?

On the other hand, the National Black Police Association released a countering statement that says, We cannot demand a criminal justice system that calls for the accountability of citizens, but not police officers. We cannot demand to be held at a higher standard only when it benefits us. We cannot demand that we be seen as human if those we are sworn to protect and serve are not seen as human too. Laquan McDonald was a citizen deserving our protection, even in the midst of his human frailties; he was only 17-years old, he had a family, and he was loved.


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