Bernard Pollard Uses Ravens Termination Letter For Inspiration

Athletes often look to a multitude of sources for inspiration. Bernard Pollard stares at his everyday when he returns to his locker. Despite being one of the top safeties in the NFL,, when Pollard departed Baltimore, there were no long drawn out goodbyes like the Ravens did for Ed Reed and Ray Lewis.

In case you can't make out the termination notice's wording, SportsGrid transcribed the wording on his yellow slip.



DATE: MARCH 24, 2013

TO: Bernard Pollard

You are hearby notified that effective immediately your NFL Player Contract(s) with the Club covering the 2013, 2014 and 2015 football season(s) has (have) been terminated for the reason(s) checked below:

( ) You have failed to establish or maintain your excellent physical condition to the satisfaction of the Club physician.

( ) You have failed to make full and complete disclosure of your physical or mental condition during a physical examination.

(X) In the judgment of the Club, your skill or performance has been unsatisfactory as compared with that of other players competing for positions on the Club's roster.

( ) You have engaged in personal conduct which in the reasonable judgment of the Club, adversely affect or reflects on the Club.

( ) In the Club's opinion, you are anticipated to make less of a contribution to the Club's ability to compete on the playing field than another player or players whom th Club intends to sign or attempts to sign, or already on the roster of the Club, and for whom the Club needs room.


Logic should tell you that parting ways with Pollard was a business decision, but for NFL players, getting released is personal.

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