After Gun Control Law Gets Voted Down, It’s Still Easier To Purchase A Gun Than It Is To Get A Drivers License

Even after weeks and month of compromise that ultimately eliminated measures, which would have banned assault rifles and limited high-capacity magazines, passage of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment failed with a loud thud in the Senate. The vote fell six votes short of passage and the final tally was 54-46 for but fell short of the 60 votes it needed.

The Amendment would have extended background checks to online and gun show sales, however, even for the extremists at the NRA, this was too far.

NRA-IRL Executive Director Chris Cox released a statement after the bill was shot down.

"This amendment would have criminalized certain private transfers of firearms between honest citizens, requiring lifelong friends, neighbors and some family members to get federal government permission to exercise a fundamental right or face prosecution," he said. "As we have noted previously, expanding background checks, at gun shows or elsewhere, will not reduce violent crime or keep our kids safe in their schools. "

A vast majority of Americans supported background checks, which is what makes this vote so puzzling. The NRA is a cult, which continues to have its grasp on the cojones of Congressmen.

The Senate will also vote on a separate bill focused on a ban on assault weapons, introduced by California Democrat Sen. Feinstein. However, it has as much of a chance of passing as Kobe Bryant up the final shot.

The families of the Sandy Hook victims were visible with Obama throughout the week leading up to the vote, asking for common sense gun laws. The NRA proved its influence has more bite than bark. Congress left their change at home, but the NRA is still lining those pockets.

Today, fear, mistruth, brute political force won out over what is right. #GunControl

— 11Alive News (@11AliveNews) April 17, 2013

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