Silva And Diaz Both Fail Drug Tests

Anderson “The Spider” Silva tested positive for two anabolic steroids drostanolone and androstane. Nick Diaz, his opponent in UFC 183, had elevated levels of marijuana metabolites in his system for the third time in his career. The test was administered by the Nevada Athletic Commission on January 9th. The results were not returned to the commission until last Tuesday.

Anderson Silva vs. Nick Diaz was the main event for UFC 183, Silva’s comeback match after suffering a horrific leg injury last year. Silva won unanimously, and while most thought that the biggest question after the match was whether we had seen the last of the Spider, it turns out that more questions will be coming after this positive drug test.

Nevada Athletic Commission Chairman Francisco Aguilar did not receive the results of the test from SMARTL (Sports Medicine And Research Testing Laboratory) until Tuesday, and referred all questions to the lab. 

The UFC issued the following statement on the website:

” On February 3, 2015, the UFC organization was notified by the Nevada State Athletic Commission that Anderson Silva tested positive for Drostanolone metabolites on his Jan. 9 out of competition drug test. UFCs understanding is that further testing will be conducted by the Commission to confirm these preliminary results.

Anderson Silva has been an amazing champion and a true ambassador of the sport of mixed martial arts and the UFC, in Brazil as well as around the world. UFC is disappointed to learn of these initial results.

“The UFC has a strict, consistent policy against the use of any illegal and/or performance enhancing drugs, stimulants or masking agents by its athletes.”

For more on this developing story, read here

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