“I Can’t Afford To Be Nowhere Drunk, Nowhere Missing Times” | Chiefs Edge Rusher Frank Clark Says Kicking Alcohol Will Elevate His Play

The Kansas City Chiefs are hoping the 2022 NFL season ends better than the 2021 season did.

For the fourth straight season K.C. hosted the AFC Championship Game losing in overtime to the Cincinnati Bengals in a game they led 21-3 at halftime. A huge reason why K.C. was unable to hold that huge lead and advance to its third consecutive Super Bowl, was a porous defense that hasn’t ever really been great during their four-year run to AFC title games and Super Bowls.

One player who must improve is edge rusher Frank Clark, who’s accumulated just 18.5 sacks over the last three seasons, including just 4.5 last season.

Clark knows he must step his game up and in order to do so he’s giving up alcohol. During his 2021 season exit interview the former Michigan Wolverines star acknowledged to head coach Andy Reid that his play wasn’t up to par.

During a media session following Saturday’s practice the loquacious Clark had a lot to say, and it was based on changes he’s made to ensure himself a better 2022 season.

“It was flat-out, I know the type of player you are. You know the type of player you are. You didn’t show that this season, flat-out.” Clark said Reid told him.

Those 4.5 sacks were the lowest since Clark’s rookie year with the Seattle Seahawks. Clark has decided to stop eating red meat and drinking alcohol.

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Clark elaborated on his biggest change, which is cutting out his libation intake. Alcohol slows you down and even for a world-class athlete too much of anything can be bad.

“I stopped drinking liquor. Alcohol is a big factor in a lot of things as far as weight, that cut, it all is sugar. So at the end of the day, I stopped drinking liquor right after the season, honestly.”

Clark needs to justify that five-year, $105 million extension in 2019. His production has dipped considerably.

Another reason why cutting the drinking out of his diet is vital is because the chronic stomach issues he once had reappeared.

“It was February when I was sick, having stomach problems and gastrointestinal problems. I haven’t had any issues since I stopped drinking liquor, and it kind of started making more sense.

“As I’m going on, I’m training, I feel my body is responding to me. I’m able to get up. I’m able to work out all times of the day, all times of the night. It was a commitment I made.”

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Clark also said that he needs to show more maturity and accountability, which means changing his habits. Drinking seems to be the biggest hurdle for Clark, based on the fact that he’s been drinking since college.

“At some point you’ve got to grow up. I’ve got three kids. I’ve got kids looking at me every day, my 6-year-old daughter looking at daddy to make the right decisions. I can’t afford to be nowhere drunk, nowhere missing days, missing anything important. I’ve got too many important things coming up in my life.”

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