Bronx Based Author Hosea James Givan II Launches Book “Reach Your Community”

Hosea James Givan II took full advantage of the limited social interactions brought on by the COVID-19 to craft a book that helps provide direction and solutions for a post-pandemic world.

In his first book, “Reach Your Community,” Givan based his strategies on 40+ years of experience in education, community organizing, coaching, and sports league development. Basketball is the primary tool he uses to promote youth development and community unification.

Givan received literary contributions from NBA Hall of Famer, Nate “Tiny” Archibald (book’s foreword), and former NBA Executive Vice President, Stu Jackson (book’s afterword).

Purchase the self-published Reach Your Community starting May 4th at or by staying tuned via his website,, to local book signings!


What people are saying about Reach Your Community?


“For the 40+ years that I’ve known him, Hosea has always been at the forefront of Youth and Community Empowerment.  Long before Obama made it cool to be a community organizer, Hosea was in the trenches with rolled-up sleeves – year in and year out – doing the much-needed work to pull us all up and through.  His passion, drive and steadfast dedication to living and leading a life of service has been a shining example for me and for those lucky enough to have crossed his orbit!. If you’ve ever doubted that one person can make a difference, Reach Your Community is proof-positive that one person certainly can – and the culmination of a life well lived and grace defined.”


– Gerry Erasme, Retired Sports Marketing Director for NIKE North America


“I have known Hosea Givan since our college days (Long Island University).  As long as I’ve known him he has always been involved in youth basketball. The appreciation he has for our youth is tireless.  Coaching, starting youth programs, and empowering young people to do better have always been his main focus throughout his career.  Embarking on his new adventure, this book “Reach Your Community” is a solid guide for volunteerism in your local community.  A must read for community volunteering!”


 – Flora Krind, Retired New York City Police Officer


“Hosea Givan says,‘Give back can’t be buzzwords or a hashtag.’ This should really be his life mantra. Givan is doing the work that he was born to do and has ignited that spirit in those around him. With Reach Your Community, Givan is passing the baton to future runners by providing any and everyone with this manual on how to do just that – reach your community. He places the need in historical context and clearly outlines the how taking away any excuses for not being engaged, for not doing the work. This is not just required reading for volunteerism, it is required reading for the survival of our communities.”


Maria DeLongoria, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Social & Behavioral Science, Medgar Evers College – CUNY   


“Mr. Givan has been volunteering and serving our youth for over 40 years. This book provides the blueprint on how sports and basketball can be used as a guide to impact the future of our youth and community positively.”


– Derek Phillips, Founder and Executive Director of Real Dads Network 


“I have known of Hosea for a great many years from our days in New York.  Throughout this time, he has always exhibited a passion for service of community, dedication and support for his fellow man/woman, as well as, displaying a great penchant for youth athletic engagement and participation.  In addition to his book being an extension of his commitment to service, it should also serve as a protected historical document that is full of gifted anecdotal information to guide those seeking to make a difference within their community, regardless of whether it be of an athletic or non-athletic endeavor. Hosea, thanks for bringing to light such an awesome roadmap for community engagement, structure and success.”

 Jeff Hood, CEO

National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Inc.

(National PAL)


“For years, sports have been a vehicle in urban communities that have created options for our youth to place within their reach opportunities that they never before dreamed possible. The work that Hosea has done for decades with countless young people has had a tremendous effect. I met Coach Givan in the 7th grade and played under his direction for 5 years. The lessons that he shared with me and have now finally placed in the pages of this book are life-changing and should be applied by any person working with our community’s youth. Kudos to him for finally sharing the formula that has helped me and so many others. We will all be better for engaging this work using Hosea’s model.”


Charles F. Coleman, Jr., Civil Rights Attorney, Legal Analyst for BBC, MSNBC, CNN and TYT


Hosea Givan is the epitome of a selfless and committed leader who perfectly demonstrates how sports, society, community and mentoring can powerfully intersect for the betterment of the people. From fatherhood to being a husband, from coaching to inspiring, Hosea shows us that hope with a plan for success can unite.  “Reach Your Community” is not just a blueprint in how to take the steps to bring harmony to your neighborhood; it is the roadmap necessary to show our people how to create a generational impact that empowers our communities for generations to come.

Michael Blake

Former New York State Assemblyman


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