‘Just Don’t Tell The Police Or Report What Happened’: Minnesota 39-Year-Old Monster Mom Admits To Abusing 15-Year-Old Hockey Players She Met In Hotel Hot Tub While On Family “Stay-Cation”

As the P.Diddy case continues to grow and reach into the world of sports and politics and even child endangerment, we are reminded that it isn’t just music and entertainment executives who use their power to abuse people and kids. 

A married Blaine, Minnesota, mom was arrested after a “stay-cation” at a hotel with her husband and children early in 2024. Now she’s admitted to sexually abusing two 15-year-old hockey players visiting from Colorado for a tournament. 

Allison Leaigh Schardin, 39, acknowledges that the victims were “young enough to be her kids.”  She changed her initial plea and admitted to third-degree criminal sexual conduct, which is the crime of “engag[ing] in sexual penetration with anyone under 18 years of age”. Schardin is facing significant jail time when she’s sentenced on Jan. 10.

Shortly after initial reports of her arrest surfaced and Schardin was denying intercourse, social media named her the “Monster Mom of Minnesota”

Mother On Stay-Cation With Husband To Repair Rocky Marriage Has Other Plans

According to reports, the plea puts to bed a disturbing and shocking case that began on Jan. 14. Schardin reportedly approached the victims in the hot tub of a hotel in Roseville after a heated argument with her husband and began complaining to these young boys about her rocky marriage and admitted to them that she had recently cheated on her husband with another hockey player, according to the complaint documents obtained by Law&Crime.

The boys involved are only listed as “V1” and “V2” in the reports. 

The complaint cites V2, said that Schardin was on a “stay-cation” with her husband and kids when she entered the hot tub with the boys prior to her husband appearing and yelling something like “If you don’t come upstairs, our relationship is over.” 

The couple was clearly on the ropes and when her husband gave her this ultimatum, according to VI, Schardin ignored him moved on to the pool and continued to fraternize with other 15 and 16-year-old boys, even exchanging “socials.” She allegedly later contacted V1 later via Snapchat and asked the minor, “Can I come into your room?”

Schardin Coerced 15-Year-Old Hockey Players To Engage In Intercourse 

The victim also accused of the 39-year-old married mother of telling them her age and expressing that “they were young enough to be her kids,” and that she was “saying things like, ‘let’s just do more,’ ‘let’s have sex,’ ‘we’re already here.’ She even asked the inexpereinced minors, who were hesitant to go all the way, ‘You already have a 38‐year‐old woman, a female in your bed, don’t you want to do more?’”

According to prosecutors, V1 recalled not really being attracted to Schardin or finding her offer enticing, at the same time he fell victim to pressure and curiosity and said “sure” to Schardin because he allegedly didn’t know how to say no to her.

Schardin was arrested on Feb. 1, alleging that the victims invited her to their room, as if that makes this any better. “She said that some of the younger boys invited her to their room, an invitation she accepted so she could get away from her husband,” the complaint added.

Schardin Admits To Pushing and Manipulating The Issue

Schardin didn’t, however, deny joining three minors in their quarters and engaging in consensual intercourse with them. Schardin claims that she asked if anyone had a condom, but says she wasnt going to actually complete the act.

“I think I just, things were starting to progress and, um, I think I thought about it for a moment and then I just was like, yeah, no, that’s not …, and I think at that point it was pretty evident that V1 was kind of uncomfortable,” the complaint said

If Schardin had left her discpicable act of sexual manipulation of minors at the hotel, maybe she would have gotten away with her crimes. Young boys tend to talk about experiences with older women, so it probably would have gotten out, but Schardin blew any chance of getting away with her episode with the two hockey players when the very next day, when the victims were playing hockey at a tournament, Schardin allegedly texted them in between periods to confirm their locations and she even showed up at the rink. 

Schardin Stalked Teenage Hockey Players After Sex In Hotel 

That is where everything turned “creepy” according to the boys. Schardin’s presence freaked them out during the game. 

According to the complaint, “V1 said they all started getting nervous and he was shaking on the bench at one point because he wanted to leave what happened the night before in the past and she was trying to follow them, ‘it was really creepy,’” the minor said. 

Even adults who commit heinous actions know when they’ve gone too far. According to reports, she tried to play damage control by keeping in contact with the Victims 1 and 2 after they returned home to Colorado, attempting to bribe them for their silence about the encounter.

Related: Blackhawks Scandal Exposes Sexual Assault In The NHL | Taking Male Accusations Seriously (theshadowleague.com)

Per report: “After returning to Colorado, SCHARDIN texted V1 saying words to the effect of, ‘I will do or say anything you want, just don’t tell the police or report what happened,’” the complaint said. “V1 responded that he didn’t want anything from her, that he wouldn’t report it and that she needed to leave him alone. He then blocked her. V1 does not know who made the report to police.”

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