Wale Just Invited Himself To RG3’s Wedding

Wale is as big a fan of Washington sports as any local celeb. Yes, he’s a bigger local hoops fan than Obama. He’s basically D.C.’s Spike Lee, but without the ridiculous courtside antics and conspicuous behavior. When those RSVP's were sent out a few months ago for Robert Griffin III’s wedding, Wale must have been floored when he didn't receive one.

But he’s an industrious young man with a plan. On Wednesday, he executed his plan to invite himself to Griffin’s wedding on HOT97 in New York after the Redskins quarterback called in to the show while Wale was in the studio. Wale immediately promised to be at the wedding. Very smooth. Griffin's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He can’t tell him the event is packed and that he can’t come in public. Some third cousin from his fiancee's side just got booted from the guest list.

H/T Washington Post:

“Are you going to perform?” morning-show host Peter Rosenberg asked.

“Me and Griff gonna perform at that wedding,” Wale responded.

However, later on Wednesday evening his reps denied that Wale has any plans to perform at Griffin's wedding in Colorado.

Keep hammering away at Griffin, Wale. Pressure may create diamonds, but he’ll crack at some point.

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