TSL Comic Book Convo Presents: Illustrator N. Steven Harris

This weeks TSL Comic Book Convo features a brother who has been doing his thing in the packages of some of your favorite titles, some great books that you may have heard of, and some indie books that you should most definitely check out.  From Justice Society of America, Voltron, Batman, Generation X, Aztek: The Ultimate Man, Watson and Homes, X-Force and a ton of others. N. Steven Harris talks to us about his favorite books coming up, who inspired him to take his art to another level, the ups and downs of being a Black man in the comic book industry, and his most recent work on Robert Garretts Glyph Award winning comic book Ajala. So, pull up a seat and as Harris schools us on the comic book game from the root to the toot. Up, up and awaaaay!

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