The Chicago Fire Part 2: Derrick Rose Is Catching Heat For Watching Bulls Get Blasted

There was a time when Derrick Rose was the NBA's most beloved superstar. However, his image has taken an uppercut to the chin over the last few months. In conjunction with his brother's disparaging comments about the Bulls roster, his decision to sit out the postseason has fans wondering whether he should visit a cardiologist to explore whether his heart is still in Chicago.

Rose's post-surgery timetable last year predicted he would make his return to game action around this season’s All-Star break. That was three months ago. However, the news that Rose would miss the entire postseason set Chicago fans off. It didn't help matters that Rose was ruled out as he worked out on the court prior to Saturday's game and displayed no visible effects from the ACL tear he suffered nearly one year ago.

Joakim Noah and Luol Deng have been fighting through injuries all season, but after the Bulls got immolated by the Nets all hell was set loose on Chicago's favorite son. @DRose hasn't tweeted since March, but his Facebook page was the site of the majority of the D. Rose slander.

Arash Baller's post echoed the sentiments of much of Rose's fans: "U need to comeback! ur team needs U!!! stop making excuses!! doctors have said u R clear to play after the all star break!!! im starting to give Up ON U!!!"

Tim Ol threw a 1-2 punch in Rose's direction: "You see joakim noah last night? Thats called manning up. U r a wuss".

The Twitter vitriol may have been worse.

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