Mark Jackson Could Be Next New York Knicks Coach

We told you in August of 2017 “Why Mark Jackson Is the Right Jackson To Coach The Knicks.” We figured it would be a no-brainer to bring a home grown product with a winning pedigree as a player, coach, talent identifier and team constructor back to the crib to lead the rebirth of a downtrodden, disappointing franchise. 

Not too many media outlets took it seriously, but now that Jackson’s name has been dropped by Daily News basketball writer Frank Isola as a possible replacement for Jeff Hornacek, I guess it has elevated from a pipe dream to a strong rumor. 

Frank Isola on Twitter

Who thought the Knicks would have 20 wins by now? And yet Mark Jackson’s name keeps coming up.

After all, Jackson’s talent evaluation and coaching acumen laid the foundation for the current Golden State Dynasty that Steve Kerr gets credit for. Jackson was the coach that led them to back-to-back playoff appearances for the first time in more than two decades. 

Jackson swooped in from the booth. He coached Golden State for three years and they improved every year. Jackson won 23 games his first season, 47 games his second season and then 51 games.

Jackson built that team. He made shrewd moves, Dub Nation was born, the Splash Brothers emerged and this basketball franchise went to higher heights. He was fired for unspecified reasons and they went out and got Kerr, who immediately reaped the benefits of Jackson building a championship foundation. Kerr took a ready-made product, won 67 games and an NBA championship.”

Charles Barkley Talks About Mark Jackson Firing

Chuck talks about Mark Jackson getting fired by the Golden State Warriors.

Jackson was robbed of his chance to win an NBA championship, but according to Isola, if the Knicks decide to ditch Jeff Hornacek then the organization will finally heed the cries of Knicks fans and look into hiring Jackson. Returning home to coach the Knicks would be a perfect situation for Action Jackson, who hasn’t coached in the NBA since leaving Golden State. 

Who better than the NY hoops icon to rebuild the respect, talent and overall basketball character of a desperate franchise with so much resources, loyal fan support and potential?

Mark Jackson – Point Specialist


Isola was on Daily News Live Thursday to discuss his report and said: 

“I heard that from the members of two different coaching staffs, it was unsolicited so it’s clearly out there. That doesn’t mean that at any time soon the Knicks are going to make a move, but if you look at their history, the Knicks are always making coaching changes and we knew that Hornacek was a Phil Jackson hire.”

It was reported that before settling on Hornacek, Phil reached out to Mark Jackson during his coaching search. This time, the Knicks have a chance to get it done. 

When the Knicks replaced Phil Jackson and brought in Scott Perry, we knew that Hornacek would have to accomplish some amazing things to be retained. The New York fans want something they can relate to. Something they can feel, to get their hoops passion back. Winning some games here and there this season was a start, but the next level is getting Jackson to come home. It’s still ugly in New York. We have one legit star in Kristaps Porzingis and Hornacek looks worn down. 


Head Coach Jeff Hornacek following tonight’s game. #NYKvsNOP Full video:

The August article also discussed the dynamic between upper management and coach selections. 

As Black men, we always talk about how we dont get enough opportunities. But here in New York, you have Steve Mills and Scott Perry, the only president and general manager tandem in the NBA that are African-American.

Its not about race, though. Its about the fact that this is a relationship business. If you go back and look at history; when Larry Bird became President of basketball operations for the Pacers, he fired Isaiah Thomas and hired his boy Rick Carlisle. We know what happened when Phil Jackson took over in New York. Mike Woodson won 54 games with the Knicks, but Phil fired him and brought in HIS guy, Derek Fisher.  

Its time for Perry and Mills to end Action Jacksons hiatus from coaching and bring him into the fold.”

W’eve been saying it, but now that mainstream media has picked it up, maybe Dolan is finally getting the picture.

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