Ray Allen Is Not With The Mess | YouTuber Gets Checked Hard By Jesus Shuttlesworth

Ray Allen is NOT to be played with. He made sure the whole world knew that when he flipped a famous YouTuber’s prank video upside down with his reaction to their prank. To say Allen wasn’t having it is an understatement, especially when you see how he reacted.

Ray-Ray was just minding his business shopping at a local Target in Miami, Florida, when a popular YouTuber by the name of Lofe walked by him and farted. Allen got startled by the flatulence and walked away in disgust. Well, that’s how the prank was supposed to play out, but instead, the bald sharpshooter was once again as on point as he was throughout his illustrious 18-year career.

In the video from Lofe’s YouTube channel titled “Ray Allen Got Mad At Me!” besides Lofe going around fake farting around a bunch of unsuspecting customers, he unknowingly rolled up on Ray Allen to perform the prank as well. Allen got into his bag and told the YouTuber and his friends off, including the man holding the camera as well. 

Before the YouTuber could barely begin to activate the mechanism that triggered the fart noises, Allen looked over and saw the guy pointing the camera at him. He wasted no time getting down to business. 

“I know you hear me, you following me around trying to do some bullsh** over here. Keep it moving, and you still recording me?”

To that the YouTuber responded with a snide comment, saying, “No, he’s taking 30 pictures per second.” To which Allen said “talk to em’” regarding the cameraman who was recording the whole reaction taking place. But to top it off the YouTuber replied to Allen with “he’s dea,f” just for Allen to say “Do some sign language or something!”

As hilarious as his reaction was to the prank, he drove home a greater point that you shouldn’t just go around pranking people for clicks and views. 

Mike Tyson recently said, “Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” This was around the time Iron Mike clocked somebody in the face and bloodied him up on a flight because the man was pestering him. I’m sure Allen could relate to this quote right around the time the YouTuber tried to prank him.

Jesus Shuttlesworth might’ve had a flash of anger come into his eyes when he realized that people were trying to play a prank on him. But the YouTuber afterward admitted that he didn’t know that was Ray Allen, and that he hopes Allen wasn’t annoyed because of the idea that it was fans trying to mess with him but a harmless prank that he was doing to everybody.

“Bro I didn’t even know it was Ray Allen until you guys told me. I feel bad because like he thinks the reason we’re doing it is because he’s Ray Allen, but I didn’t even know he was Ray Allen, I’m just trying to do the prank normally.” 

We constantly see people try to walk up on athletes and prank them, such as the people that saw Allen’s former Boston Celtic teammate Rajon Rondo at a store and pretended to mistake him for his archenemy Chris Paul, which pissed Rondo off. Also, more recently a fan did the same thing to Ben Simmons, heckling at him in a store for his poor shooting. These members of the public are truly getting really comfortable with approaching basketball players to make fun of them, sacrificing their privacy and pride for a few likes and reposts. The social media era is sickening, and Ray Allen clearly agrees as well. 

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