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13 years ago by Staff

Adam Scott: We Feel For You, Homie

Straight up – I’d have been standing in a water works puddle if I were Adam Scott. Scott is a G. After such a stunning lack of composure on his last four holes, to tourn around and actually maintain his composure as he p

13 years ago by Jaimie Sanchez

Channel Orange: It’s Cool To Be You

I have been a Frank Ocean fan since “Acura Integurl” and Nostalgia/Ultra reaffirmed my love for emo boys with dark skin tones. I can’t help it; I am a sucker for wit, R&B, and frustrated love. Ocean’s presence

13 years ago by Staff

The Linsanity Myth

Late in February, after a New York loss in Miami, then coach Mike D'Antoni said, "It's hard to be Peter Pan every day."

That was the night when Jeremy Lin, the boy that could fly, fell back to earth. And he fell hard. H

13 years ago by Staff

Frank Ocean’s Moment of Truth

I wasn’t 100 percent sure what it was about, but I did notice the flood of activity on my timeline last week regarding Frank Ocean and something about a letter. I’ve become, over many years, very adept at filtering information; so, oc

13 years ago by Staff

American Horror Story

Until November 2011, Joe Paterno and Penn State University were two of the most venerated institutions in all of sports. Referring to Paterno – a man – as an institution is no misnomer, either. The man held the all-time wins record fo

13 years ago by Staff

Hip Hop’s New Crew Era

A few months ago, my brother Adam was watching one of those music video stations (VH1 Soul, MTV Jams…I don't know) and I heard a familiar sound. The beat was dank, claustrophobic and ruminating. The emcee was spitting compounds. The record

13 years ago by Staff

While You Were Sleeping: MLB Edition

The season is halfway over and there are already a handful of dreams deferred, best-case scenarios and random occurrences presented in the 2012 season. For those of you who lost track of the major stories, here a refresher.


13 years ago by Staff

Dwight Detox

Over the past decade or so, some NBA offseasons get marred by negative-skewing storylines that quickly go from titillating to trite. There was overreaction to Allen Iverson, a.k.a. Jewelz, dropping “40 Barz” in 2000 and the ugly 2004

13 years ago by Staff

Duncan or Bust for Davis?

If you went to the hood, walked in a KFC and received absolutely wretched customer service, how would you react? You’d probably just be quietly annoyed, get your food and go on about your day, right? It wouldn’t matter if the teenage

13 years ago by Staff

Pump The Brakes

College football as American as baseball and apple pie. Very few things are more a part of the American tapestry than college football and – probably more than any other sport – it has skillfully manipulated its version of retro-ness

13 years ago by Staff

Hate Them Now

America, our long national nightmare is over.  Last night was both the beginning and ending of an era. Not merely the turning of a page in a book, but an entire new volume altogether. I’m speaking of the Miami Heat winning the 2012 NBA

13 years ago by Jay "Sneaker Sensei" Corbin

Adidas: Enslaved To Critics

The top dogs at Adidas just cancelled production on a Jeremy Scott sneaker equipped with a shackle like attachment after “critics” claimed it resembled a “symbol of slavery.” 

Jeremy Scott, who is known for h

13 years ago by Staff

Everybody Hates Russ

Russell Westbrook is quickly becoming Public Enemy No. 1 in the NBA and it’s all LeBron James’ fault. Well, let me clarify: it’s the American public’s fault, because the American public has been on a crusade to anoint the

13 years ago by Staff

Death Of The Pretty Boys

Given the sloppy ball-handling and shaky shooting, Game 3 was precisely the sort of game that the Miami Heat would have lost last year. But they didn’t and by finding a way to grind it out, they may have stepped in the right direction of ge

13 years ago by Staff

Blame KD, Not Russ

Let’s start out with this: they don’t make ‘em like Russell Westbrook, anymore. There’s a subversive quality to his play on the floor. He can look frightening, in a very real and ill way. There are a lot of young 20-someth

13 years ago by Staff

Murder One

Here’s what I learned watching Game 1 of the 2012 NBA Finals: nothing. Well, let me walk that back a little. I learned that Oklahoma City head coach Scott Brooks’ mother doesn’t like to get on airplanes and therefore doesn&rsquo

13 years ago by Staff

Clash of the Titans

Let’s rewind. Last week, with both Conference Finals tied at two games a piece and the still very real possibility of a Boston vs. San Antonio Finals, I wrote this:

“At some point, LeBron or KD

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