Michael Phelps Credits Ray Lewis For Olympic Success

Ray Lewis’ inspirational touch has reached Olympic levels. Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever and a Baltimore native, credits the star LB for his record breaking performance in London.

Phelps acknowledged Lewis was crucial in him staying the course during his training following the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. 


“What he did for me is the best thing in the world,” Phelps said. “He helped me come back.”


Phelps wouldn’t get into his personal issues but he made it clear that the fiery football legend’s encouragement meant the world to him.

 “We’ve talked about so much the last couple years of my career,” Phelps said. “He just helped me get through a lot of hard times, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him. He’s been telling me, ‘One more shot. We’re gonna have one more shot.’ And he did it”

“He’s probably the only person who could really help me do that. He’s been through everything — the ups and downs — and he’s helped me literally overcome a lot of things that I’ve had in my life that have been tough, and he’s been there for me.”

I know they’re plenty of skeptics out there when it comes to Lewis. Hell, I was once one myself. But when I hear stories like this, or watch how he inspired the Stanford Men’s Basketball team last year, it lets me know that redemption is real and it’s okay to believe. 

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