‘I Felt Like I Wanted To Run Down The Block And Scream’ | Vanessa Bryant Details Horror Of Hearing Sheriff’s Deputies And Firefighters Were Sharing Pictures Of Husband Kobe Bryant And Daughter Gianna From Crash Site

The date of Jan. 26, 2020, is a day that forever changed life for Vanessa Bryant and her family.

That day, her husband and NBA icon Kobe Bryant, their daughter Gianna and seven others tragically perished when their helicopter crashed into a hillside in Calabasas, California.

Vanessa Bryant Recounts Day Of Deadly Kobe Helicopter Crash | Photo Lawsuit Deposition Revelation

While the memories of the fateful day and time thereafter have been more than enough for Vanessa and her family to deal with, the family also would learn that those who were entrusted to investigate and clean up the crash site reportedly took pictures of the tragedy and shared them with others.

Those reported actions led to Vanessa Bryant filing a lawsuit against Los Angeles County for invasion of privacy. The case is currently being heard, and during her nearly three hours on the witness stand, Vanessa detailed what that felt like to hear that those public authorities were doing the unthinkable.

“I felt like I wanted to run, run down the block and scream. It was like the feeling of wanting to run down a pier and jump into the water. The problem is I can’t escape, I can’t escape my body.”

She added, “I bolted out of the house and around to the side so my girls wouldn’t see. I was blindsided again, devastated, hurt, I trusted them. I trusted them not to do these things.”

Bryant Says She Lives In Fear: Afraid Pics Will Show Up On Social Media

With those photos being shared anyone could have them and one day decide to release via social media. She also fears the possibility of her three daughters someday discovering the images.

“I live in fear every day of being on social media and these popping up. I live in fear of my daughters being on social media and these popping up.”

Vanessa says because of that fear alone she suffers from panic attacks, which cause her to not be able to breathe. Hearing her say that makes you wonder what would happen if the pictures did actually go viral. Vanessa and her girls have suffered enough and she shouldn’t have to even go through this, which is why whoever shared the photos should be jailed. It’s almost unfathomable that folks can be so cruel and deceptive, but in today’s society it seems as if they’ll do anything to get a reaction, not thinking about those affected by their actions.


Vanessa Bryant’s Lawsuit Against L.A. County For Sharing Photos Of Deceased Kobe And Gigi Involve A Deputy Who Kneeled On An Inmate’s Head For Three Minutes

Vanessa Has Had Her Hands Full Since Kobe’s Death

Since Bryant’s death, Vanessa has had other battles to fight outside of this one. There was Kobe’s shoe and apparel deal with Nike that expired in April 2021.

At the time of the contract ending, Vanessa and Nike agreed to part ways. One of the main reasons was Vanessa had grown upset about the lack of Kobe’s signature shoe and other items being available for fans to purchase following his death. In March of this year, the two sides agreed to partner to continue to create sneakers in honor of Kobe and Gianna’s legacies.

In keeping her husband and daughter’s memory tied to the Kobe Signature line of sneakers, Vanessa recently checked NBA insider Shams Charania for calling Chicago Bulls star DeMar DeRozan the face of Kobe’s shoe line because he wears the sneakers every time he steps on the hardwood. Vanessa quickly shut that false rumor down and made it clear that Kobe is the face of the line, and if that changes she and Nike would have a joint announcement.

“He Is Not The Face Of The Kobe Line, No One Is” | Vanessa Bryant Blasts NBA Insider For Describing DeMar DeRozan As The Face Of Mamba Shoes


With that settled, now Vanessa is hoping to keep the images recorded from that horrific day as far away from the world as she can.

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