Charles Oakley Is Banned From MSG For One Year

On Friday, former Knicks forward Charles Oakley accepted a deal that can lead to the dismissal of misdemeanor charges stemming from his arrest after a February incident with Madison Square Garden security, which was instigated by owner James Dolan. 

Candace McCowan on Twitter

Charles Oakley’s attorney outside of court.

If Oakley stays out of trouble for six months and respects a one-year ban from Madison Garden, his two assault charges, two harassment charges and one trespassing charge will be dismissed. 

I didn’t even know there were still charges pending. Most Knicks fans were given the impression that the situation was over with or would be resolved without any criminal litigation.

As Madison Square Garden basketball continues to burn and spiral into the abyss, Dolan has been successful in turning a ’90s Knicks hero into an unwanted intruder in the arena he helped fill during his glory years as a consummate, hard-working pro for a championship-contending Knicks squad.  

How ironic that a guy who brought so much joy to New York and illuminated the Garden with his dedication, passion and energy would now be arrested if he steps on the premises. It’s just another example of how twisted the Knicks franchise has become. It’s never been this bad. The morale is low and the fans are loyal but…”offended.” Yeah that’s the perfect word. 

Most hoop heads feel like it didn’t have to go down like that. Dolan and MSG security violated on so many levels. 

If it was up to Knicks fans, Oakley would get a pass and Dolan would probably get a lifetime ban, but Knicks ownership never listens to the fans. Dolan looks at the fans as cash cows and enemies. He doesn’t care what his fan base has to say. In fact, if you’re a fan and you criticize Dolan in public, he’ll probably curse you out, flip you the bird, say you were drunk and get you banned from the arena. That’s how he treats his players as well.  

Oakley rejected this same offer in early June. He still couldn’t get past the shock, disappointment and anger of being manhandled in front of everyone at MSG.  He said he’d rather go to jail than admit to any wrongdoing, but with the urging of friends, including Michael Jordan, he felt it was best to finally put this issue to bed. 

Dolan would have gotten the charges dropped if real peace was going to be brokered. Its truly another disheartening and embarrassing situation for a Knicks franchise that has become the worldwide example of how to mess up perfection. 

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