Charles Barkley Shows Love in Tragic Circumstance

As a Philadelphia 76er, NBA commentator Charles Barkley was once one of the most popular athletes to ever play in the city of Philadelphia. That love has been reciprocated in words and deeds by Sir Charles in the past. But Barkley is taking up the cause of Philadelphia again in light of a tragic occurrence that took the lives of three young people and injured their mother. 

On Friday, a tragic car accident from the carjacking of a van shattered the life of Keisha Williams as her three children (Keiearra Williams, Thomas Joseph Reed and Terrence Williams) were killed. Monday, Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams disclosed that Charles Barkley volunteered to pay for the funerals of the deceased victims.

"Like most Philadelphians, many Americans and people across the world," Williams said, "[Barkley] wanted me to know that he wanted to pay for the funeral for these three children and I put him in touch with the family so he can do that."

Though Charles Barkley readily speaks out on just about any issue he feels like speaking out on, he has remained silent regarding this matter.

Philadelphia police announced Cornelius Crawford, 23, and Jonathan Rosa, 19 had been charged with second-degree murder, robbery, carjacking, sexual assault and other counts in connection with this senseless and callous act. 


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