Metta World Peace Defuses Police Standoff In Cookie Monster Pajamas

Somehow Metta World Peace has a gift for bringing levity to even the most tense situations. On Tuesday night, Metta awoke to cops armed with rifles and scopes outside his Westside condo due to a misunderstanding involving cast members for a film he is producing about life on the streets. Apparently, cops were called around midnight after two of the actors decided to rehearse outside his condo with a fake shotgun and a pair of fake 9-millimeter guns. The LA Times' Melissa Rohlin tells the story:

The men explained the situation to the police, who then knocked on World Peace's door to verify their story.

"At first when I seen the police, I was like, 'What the hell is going on?'' World Peace said. "I just got finished watching 'Zero Dark Thirty' or whatever that movie is. I'm like, 'I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming. Is there a terrorist in the building? Do y'all need my help?'"

After a brief conversation with the police, World Peace put on his Cookie Monster pajamas and accompanied them outside.

World Peace was shocked by what he saw.

"Like 20 cops' cars are outside, like 10 more police," he said. "My brother had his hands behind his back and [there were] helicopters. The whole Wilshire [Blvd.] was shut down. The street shut down. No cars nowhere."

World Peace said that once the police realized that the suspects were actors, and that their guns were BB guns, the mood lightened.

"The police was laughing," he said. "It was funny but it was irresponsible on the actors' part because you do the scene and that's it. They didn't understand that after you do the scene, you put the stuff away."

You can't make this stuff up. Those cookie monster jammies should be raised into the Staples Center rafters some day. By the time he hits 40, Metta will have more tales in his memoir than Forrest Gump. It’s amazing how Metta always appears to find himself in these situations even when he’s not responsible. The man is a magnet for drama. His family may have luck on their side considering the LAPD’s propensity for firing at unarmed suspects. What' s most remarkable about this predicament, is that his first response was to throw on his cookie monster jammies and that he owned these jammies in the first place. Lastly, these must have been custom made, because kids jammies generally don't come in sizes that fit big and tall adults. The mind of Metta World Peace is a vast playground and a labyrinth of lunacy. It's a crying shame that Lamar Odom has starred in a reality series before World Peace.

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