C’mon Son!!!: Seahawks Rookie Kemah Siverand Plays A Losing Game of Sneak A Freak

Seahawks rookie Kemah Siverand was caught and cut after he tried to sneak a woman into his hotel room during training camp in the middle of a pandemic.  It was a bonehead scheme that unfortunately was destined to fail from jump. The woman, according to reports was dressed in Seahawks gear in an attempt to disguise herself as a player. 

The 21-year-old didn’t want to follow the rules in the middle of a pandemic. He thought he could outsmart the entire organization and specific protocols put in place as the NFL tries to salvage a season that already hangs in the balance. It all depends on those COVID-19 numbers. And keeping those numbers low depends on all players following the rules and understanding the severity of the situation.

I mean, what can you say to that? Siverand deserves to be cut. This guy is an undrafted rookie out of Oklahoma State trying to make an NFL squad. He didn’t even secure the bag yet and he’s risking his career to play sneak a freak. Well, stupid is as stupid does and now Siverand is unemployed and considered insubordinate.  

What is wrong with these guys? Not only did Siverand risk his health and potentially put the entire NFL season in jeopardy, but also exhibited, as Domonique Foxworth said on ESPN this morning, all of the traits of a great cornerback. 

“He’s willing to take risks, he won’t be denied, he’s creative, he’s finding ways to make it work. Nobody wants it more than him,” Foxworth joked. 

Babies In The Bubble

When Stephen A. Smith expressed doubts that NBA Bubble players could abstain from seeing their significant others or indulging in recreational activities that they have become accustomed too, he was proved to be prophetic. Smith’s concerns manifested themselves when Clipper guard Lou Williams used his father’s funeral as an excuse to go to Magic City. Then he blamed the lure of the wing dinners at the gentleman’s club. Lou Will even denied getting a lap dance until the clout-chasing dancer who serviced him, snitched to the media.

We know basketball players get a bit restless at times, but football players are straight savages (see Megan Thee Stallion definition of savage and apply to men) and there are three times the amount of players and people to contain in an NFL entourage. Some guys just DGAF and will eventually prove to be a detriment to everyone else.

The football principle of teamwork and selflessness and trust are more important now than ever. While people laugh and joke about this, irresponsible players such as Siverand are why the NFL might not have a season. It’s not the stars and the starters we have to worry about potentially spreading COVID or being irresponsible with safety protocols. Often its the young, dumb player who might not even make the team, that is ignoring the rules and trying off the wall stuff like he was still in college. 

If Charlamagne the God awarded a “Donkey of The Day” to athletes, Siverand would certainly win for the next four weeks.   

Life has a way of humbling people and Siverand obviously needed some humbling. A reevaluation of his decision-making is in order and for the sake of the entire NFL season it’s better to get rid of a guy that can so carelessly put the health and careers of other players in danger, He plays football, but maybe he’s not the foxhole type. At least, that’s what his actions would have you believe.

It’s going to take some work for Siverand to get another shot in the NFL.

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