TSL Sports Talk Recap: Scoop Jackson

ESPN.com’s Scoop Jackson joined us on TSL Sports Talk this week to talk about ESPN anchor, Stuart Scott's legacy. Check out a touching highlight below.

On Stuart Scott:

There was an aura of cool that was just there and you didn’t associate it with Hip-Hop. Not just his lingo, but his appearance, delivery and how he went about creating his art, as I like to call it. You can’t box cool into a gender, you can’t box cool into a race or socio-economic situation. Cool is cool and if you really look at what ESPN did as a network, they had ESPN1, but when they were launching ESPN2, they wanted ESPN2 to be a cool factor. Who did they go out and get to basically be the face and voice of that? Stuart. Yes, he brought our aesthetic as African-Americans to the table, but also once again, that cool factor. And that almost trumps everything. It puts you in the Miles Davis conversation, the Prince conversation. The Denzel Washington, George Clooney, James Cagney or James Dean conversation. It puts him in the Barack Obama conversation because all of the people I mentioned outside of what they did to transcend their youth or race, was the fact that all of them were cool.

Listen to the full interview about to hear more on the endearing tribute Scoop had for Stuart Scott and more.  

TSL Sports Talk broadcasts live, every Thursday, 3-5PM. Follow us on twitter: @TSLSportsTalk or write us at: [email protected]


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